Currency at a Crossroads
Tasked with increasing Western Union's share of voice around currency trends and showcasing their digital innovation, I worked with the design and product team to produce a multimedia content experience featuring a video, a quiz, original research, and an embeddable infographic, all synchronized with engaging editorial. This collaboration between the content, design, UX, and dev evolved into a new product for our agency, which I dubbed Knockout Content.
To support the launch, I also created 10 pieces of content to tease it out, including an interview about Bitcoin with their CTO. The hero content alone earned over 85k site views and 63k social engagements, both content marketing milestones for the brand.

My Role:


Content strategy

Lead writer & editor

Video script & storyboard

Design: Harry Garcia, Motion Design: Jorge Noujaim

Client Feedback:

“Please check out this site if you have a moment. It is extremely informative and the site itself is amazing. It is hands down one of the best sites I have ever seen.” – Managing Director, Creative Excellence

“We can be proud of what has been created here. This is going to set the tone and leveling bar. ” – Digital SEO, Social & Content Marketing Lead